
After an initial survey and inspiration sessions, an open call for future thinkers was launched at the end of 2021. The response was overwhelming: 193 people with a passion for art, culture, and the city applied. From these, 30 candidates were selected, taking into account their motivation, expertise, and the necessary balance within the group, in line with the results of the initial survey. They worked together with 6 leaders from the cultural sector.

The 6 were:

  • Noemi De Clercq (Circuscentrum)
  • Tina De Gendt (historian)
  • Fatih De Vos (youth worker and hip-hop artist)
  • Badra Djait (Diversity & Inclusion UGent)
  • Frederik Sioen (Ghent Arts Council and musician)
  • Emiel Lenaert (drama student at KASK)Nadat er een eerste bevraging was geweest en inspiratiesessies plaatsvonden, werd eind 2021 

The 30 of 2030 were:

  • Aline Lapeire #books #cultureexplorer #talentcoach #deBuren
  • Amani El Haddad #voem #GhentArtsCouncil #youngboardvooruit #socialculturalworker #participation #bridgebuilder
  • Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert #visualarts #GhentArtsCouncil #individualartist #BottomUp
  • Ayla Joncheere #Maghenta #India #interculturality #intersectionality #participation #Research #UGent
  • Ben Van Alboom #nightlifeforever #allemaalcinema #curator
  • Carmen Hornbostel #theaterofthefuture #globalcitizenship #cosmicdrama
  • Ercan Cesmeli #CivicDuty #Network #Diversity
  • Hannah Zaouad #inclusion #spokenword #drama #deconstruction #dramaturgy
  • Idries Bensbaho #Actor #MasalaMotion #student #inclusivity
  • Jens De Wulf #nerdlabisafeeling #cultureeducation #opensource #cocreation
  • Johan De Smet #artforandbytheyoungestgenerations #internationalconnections #diversityandinclusiontaskforce #GhentArtsCouncil #Kopergietery #closeby
  • Joram Kunde Boumkwo #musician #youthworker #activist #MeYé #Mellowminds #hiphop #jazz
  • Kapinga Gysel #maisquellechanson #participatoryartist #singer #songwritingwithchildren #identity
  • Katrien Laporte #DING #designforimpact #DesignFestGhent #DesignMuseumGhent
  • Krist Biebauw #library #Krook #readingculture
  • Laura Peña #ParceArt #Artlaboratory #LatinAmerica&EU #Colombia&Belgium #collaboration #artinitiative #Law&Economics #artist
  • Leontien Allemeersch #deKoer #participation #photography #theater #commons
  • Lien De Ruyck #DesignforImpact #amormundi #futurism #creativeactivism #futureliteracy
  • Malique Fye #art #intersectionality #change
  • Martin Balogh #bridgebuilder #interculturalconnections #discoveringlosttalent
  • Neslihan Dogan #heritage #migrationhistory #STAM #historyfrombelow and #participation
  • Peter Merckx #apkgent #arteducation #youthandculture #clarinetist #hermesensemble #duoroosemeyers
  • Peter Vanden Abeele #cityarchitect #citymaking #architecture
  • Philsan Osman #studentUGent #AfricanLanguagesAndCultures #communitybuilder #communitycare
  • Shalan Alhamwy #DeCentrale #music #musiceducation #musiccreation #performingarts/musicpresentation
  • Shushanik Gorginyan #victoriadeluxe #thefutureacademy #diversity
  • Simon Allemeersch #theatermaker #UGent #Rabottowers #whaddayoumeanparticipation? #oldwhitemanin2030 #LucindaRa
  • Stefaan De Winter #spielerei #hopsasa #culturemaker
  • Valery De Smedt #GhentArtsUniversities #NewEuropeanBauhaus #starts.eu
  • Wim Wabbes #music #Handelsbeurs #artisticcoordinator #europejazznetwork #internationalcollaboration

Together, they developed a concept note and a framework of values for Ghent as the European Capital of Culture. They also organized two open forums where everyone was welcome to provide input. This allowed the candidates not selected for ‘the 30 of 2030’ and other interested parties to show their commitment to the project. We continued to build on the work of the 30 of 2030 in the preparatory phase.