Thirty future thinkers, people from various sectors and fields, created a framework of values for Ghent2030. These values guide the major and minor decisions we make, both on a daily basis and in the long term.

  1. Diversity & Inclusiviness: Diversity means the extent to which different identities are represented in a project. Inclusiveness means the extent to which everyone has and gains access to opportunities, resources and participation. Diversity is our starting point; inclusiveness is our goal. Diversity is merely quantitative, inclusiveness is qualitative. We emphasise the importance of both values in all layers of the organisation and the projects. We recognise that everyone’s position is unique and complementary. We come to understand each other’s position with respect, an open mind and plenty of curiosity. We embrace differences without emphasising them.
  2. Accessibility means shaping activities, communication, procedures and spaces to be as usable, meaningful, enriching and comprehensible as possible to as many people as possible. We remove both physical and mental obstacles. In doing so, we believe very strongly in ‘universal design’, a vision that encourages radical accessibility
  3. Safety means the extent to which a person or a group of people can trust that they will not be exposed to violence, discrimination, personal attacks or other forms of physical or emotional pain. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination whatsoever based on socio-economic background, skin colour, ethno-cultural background, language, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or neurodivergence, etc.
  4. Openness means removing as many mental and physical obstacles as possible. Openness also stands for transparency about every phase of the project and for clear communication on organisational, financial, managerial, artistic and programming decisions, etc. At the same time, there is always space to question people and institutions in positions of power.
  5. Freedom means the extent to which someone can be autonomous, think and act independently, and do so without pressure or limitation. This individual, artistic, physical and mental freedom for everyone must be safeguarded as far as possible, unless it limits someone else’s freedom.
  6. Innovation means the openness to introducing other ideas, concepts, techniques or inventions and implementing them in both artistic programmes and other processes. Innovation can be an aim in itself, but it must always be a means to promote values such as inclusiveness and accessibility as well.
  7. Sustainability means ensuring that raw materials, human energy, social networks and money are generated more quickly than they are used up. These four dimensions (ecological, human, social and economic) are so intrinsically linked that they cannot be accomplished independently of each other. Sustainability must never lead to poverty, marginalisation, wasting resources, monopolies, favouritism or exclusion.
  8. Solidarity is the awareness of togetherness (being part of a group that supports each other) and the willingness to bear the consequences of that. Solidarity implies a sympathy with social struggles that, strictly speaking, do not involve you. We walk towards people who need help and solidarity instead of expecting them to call for help or that problems need to become visible first.
  9. Justice is both a proportional distribution of facilities and resources and the opposite of exploitation and repression. A just policy leaves no one behind and doesn’t omit anyone. If someone experiences injustice, there must be space to rectify this injustice.
  10. Democracy means the fundamental belief that everyone has an equal say and matters just as much as anyone else. When making decisions, we use consent (there are no fundamental objections) rather than consensus (everyone gives the plans their 100% support).
  11. Collaboration implies new connections, both between individuals and between organisations, communities or population groups. These connections must be aimed at achieving collective goals and collective progress. We experience them as successful if they plant the seeds of new, sustainable community connections. We do not organise things ‘for’ anyone, but always ‘with’ them.
  12. Connection means actively strengthening and renewing existing connections. These connections go beyond those that merely exist between individuals. People also share all kinds of connections with each other in the form of organisations, official or unofficial associations, informal and formal contexts that bring them together. .

These values inspired the design of Ghent2030's branding. It consists of figures with 12 points.

Patroon van beeld met 12 punten