Ghent is a city to be proud of: an authentic cultural city, rebellious and social. In the past, the people of Ghent have shown themselves to be stubborn ‘goestendoeners’ who charted their own course but also looked out for and cared for each other. The rich history of participatory art practices is proof of this.

Under pressure

But this unique character of Ghent is under pressure today. Artists can no longer find space to develop their work. Cultural workers are becoming overburdened. New (cultural) initiatives feel constrained by regulations. More rules, many specializations, more bubbles, more bureaucracy... Sometimes it seems as though systems are overpowering imagination. There is a wide gap between the world of institutions and organizations and the everyday lives of people. Many people in Ghent do not see themselves reflected in the artistic offerings and language used by institutions and governments. This is accompanied by a creeping sense of discontent, polarization, and disconnection, which is also felt elsewhere in the region and across Europe. 


Generate energy 

By becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2030, we want to generate energy in Ghent and beyond to return to the power of people instead of the power of systems. It’s time to turn the tide! We will create a cultural system shift that connects lots of small things and gives people more say and strengthens mutual bonds. Such a transformation can only be achieved together. Or, as we say in Ghent, ‘tuupetegoare’!

Our ambition?

We want to create a city and region together, from Ghent to the Dutch Zeeland and the farthest corners of Europe, where people feel at home, heard, and seen, where there is space for imagination, and where we can find resilience together to face the challenges of today and the future.