Gouvernement V2

To develop a cultural programme, Ghent2030 is launching 'toopen'. In these vibrant workshops, artists, organizations, experts, and citizens will work together to tackle challenges over the next few years. We will cooperate and learn together, eventually arriving at a range of activities. Anything is possible: a major exhibition, a neighbourhood festival, poetry in the city, online events, and more. Anyone can formulate learning questions related to the themes of wasteland, water, or margin: the Ghent2030 team, as well as a citizen or an organization

This programme will be structured around the three artistic lines: ‘Margin as a Measure,’ ‘Water as a Weaver,’ and ‘Wasteland as a Wellspring’.

In the bid book, you will be able to read more about how we will develop a strong programme with a local, regional and international appeal and what the timeline for 2030 will look like. You will also find a more detailed imaginative cultural programme there.